Search Engine Optimisation Perth

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Perth based SEO consultants

I​n a world where pretty much every task is outsourced, this might be something unusual, but yes, we are located in Perth, Western Australia and your SEO project will be looked after by local specialists only. We offer either one-off consultations and audits of your website or ongoing SEO maintenance.

Discover how SEO can move your business forward

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Results-driven strategy

Over the course of our 10+ years of experience, we've encountered various types of clients, SEO campaigns, and approaches. One common type among our clients here in Perth, WA is those who recognise the importance of SEO because of its widespread discussions and decide to implement it. They understand that it's necessary to be present in the digital landscape. Among all our clients, there's a particular type that many SEO consultants and strategists would consider ideal—the clients who are unfamiliar with SEO. They don't have any specific expectations, nor do they measure the results.

While some agencies and freelancers may prefer such clients, we view SEO differently. It's not just about making money; it's about facing challenges and striving for specific goals and targets.At our company, we believe in educating our SEO clients and suggesting achievable goals. We don't simply engage in activities for the sake of it; results are our ultimate priority. For us, SEO is a journey of achievement and continuous improvement. We aim to deliver tangible outcomes and make a real impact on your business.

Looking for an SEO Specialist with a mission?

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You've likely come across these phrases quite a bit - "we help people" or "our mission is to help businesses." Now, you might wonder if we're the same as othe​rs who claim to help.SEO is like any other service, such as car painting or plumbing. We offer our expertise, deliver results, and charge for our services.

However, this doesn't necessarily fall under the category of "helping people," as true help often involves being free of charge. Having said that, there are times when we do help people without any cost. We may provide a free SEO consultation, answer technical questions, or simply offer guidance in what we believe is the right direction.

At the end of the day, we are committed to delivering valuable services and assisting our clients in achieving their goals. Whether through paid services or occasional free assistance, our focus remains on providing effective solutions for your needs.

How our S​EO process looks like?

No matter the circumstances, the initial step is always a thorough assessment of the situation. If you've already had an SEO campaign in place, we'll conduct a comprehensive audit of the on-page SEO, off-page elements like backlinks, and assess the technical condition of your website. Based on our findings, we'll propose suitable solutions to improve your SEO performance.

In the case of a completely new SEO project, we begin with an initial SEO consultation. This step helps us understand your business, your objectives, and how we can help you achieve them. By gaining this insight, we can develop a tailored approach to meet your specific needs and set you on the path to success.

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Our Services

On-Page SEO, Off-page & more

You've probably come across this information before as almost every agency or specialist place similar definitions and explanations an their websites, so repeating or rephrasing them might seem redundant.Let's skip all the boring parts and explain this in a very simple manner:

  • Off-page SEO encompasses everything that happens outside of your website, primarily including backlinks and other factors related to EEAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness). 
  • On-page SEO covers all the actions taken within your website, such as optimizing content, tags, and the HTML structure. 
  • Technical SEO; a trending concept which revolves around evaluating how well your website is built. It addresses common questions like "why your site might be slow".

Undoubtedly, thorough assessment and attention to the technical side of your website are of utmost importance when embarking on any campaign. Ensuring your site is technically sound sets a strong foundation for achieving success.


Welding Superstore

So you have read all about strategy, what's involved and you would like to see where we can get you? Have a look at this project and the results we managed to get for this client.

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Understanding Timeframes

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Navigating the world of SEO often raises challenging questions, and one of the toughest among them is about timing. When it comes to SEO, the most common answer is, 'it depends.' Several factors influence the outcome, with one crucial variable being the keyword difficulty – this refers t​o the number and strength of competitors your website faces. Typically, you can expect to see initial results within 2-3 months of starting a campaign. If you require quick results, our recommendation would be our Google Ads management service.

WA Reality

Perth's Best SEO Consultants - Where are They?

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Perth isn't particularly renowned for having well-known SEO specialists. In fact, across the whole of Australia, there aren't that many widely recognised SEO consultants. While some may be familiar with Dan Petrovic from Dejan SEO based in Queensland, it's a bit scarce when it comes to notable figures from Perth. Although, we apologise if we overlooked someone.

This situation has its pros and cons. From our perspective, the best specialists are those who concentrate on their own projects or their clients' needs rather than seeking fame. They're not the ones spending eight hours a day promoting themselves on platforms like LinkedIn. Instead, they focus on delivering exceptional results and letting their work speak for itself.

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We'd love to hear from you about your next project

0413 107 893
[email protected]